Friday Word Day

For the last few weeks, I have been feeling a bit blah about myself and have been trying to s.n.a.p. out of it.  

 Maybe it's the changing of seasons, or maybe it's the events going on in my life... but somethings gotta give, because I do not like to be in this kind of mood... 

Sophia Loren once said "sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50%what people think you've got", and I can see where she is coming from. I have been repeating this to myself all week, and I am hoping it will help me find my confidence groove.

The word of the days inspiration will be pretty obvious! Have a great weekend, and take some time to relax!

Pizzazz- An attractive combination of vitality and glamour; the quality of being excited or attractive.

*Synonyms: Glamour, Allure, Vitality 


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