Food Journal

Taking responsibility for what we eat. Maybe this is part of the solution to ending obesity in this Country. What if every person had to write in a food journal after they ate? Would you still eat that extra slice of pizza? Would you want more potato chips?
I know that I am accountable to my journal and my body. Writing everyday takes practice, and sometimes I feel as though I can stop for awhile, but I have always gone back to tracking what I eat. For me, it is built in responsibility. Sure, I am the only one who reads my food journal, but it does help curb my snacking decisions. Sometimes, I will eat something and not want to put it in, or down play how much I had. When this happens, I have reinforced this as a bad decision by thinking about it again and writing it down. Typically, I think twice and show better control when the situation arises again. On the other hand, when I eat healthy, I am excited to write the entree and feel even better about myself and my choices. Try it for a month and see if it helps you...not just to loose weight, but to eat healthy. My reason for journaling was to figure out what vitamins I should be supplementing. I got tired of constantly asking myself, "do I get my daily amount of vitamin D from food, or do I need more?". At the end of the week, I take an assessment of all I have consumed and set a new goal for the next seven days, such as, lower my sugar intake, eat more veggies. If you need more structure, free food logs can be found online at websites such as:


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