Full Circle

Everyday, I am in the kitchen cooking. I love food, and I love to cook. For me, food preparation is a form of meditation. Having the ability to eat healthy and healing food reminds me that I am very blessed. Only problem...after the beautiful meal comes... the dishes. This is defiantly not my favorite choir to do.
Why? Because sponges tend to gross me out...talk about a power house of germs...yuck. Oh, you say just throw out your sponges regularly? well, I am really not into being that wasteful...catch 22...I know.. UNTIL I found scrubbers from a website called full circle home. These brushes or bristles are designed to stay off the counter, which allows less time for bacteria to fester. Further, the sponges are biodegradable! So fabulous. Now you can actually know your cleaning and not just spreading germs.



  1. OMG best invention ever! you know we share the same phobia (which is why we lived so wonderfully together).....i hope i can manage to hall this one back over


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