A Pumpkins Life

 It's still Pumpkin season, and I am loving every second of it! Pumpkins on porches, in windows and reasturants... But do you know how long pumpkins actually last? I didn't...so I did some digging, and found some useful information:

  • Pumpkins can last around 8 to 10 weeks, if they were picked disease free and healthy
  • The best temperature to store pumpkins is between 50 and 55 degrees (Fahrenheit)
  • The best pumpkins are those with their stems still on, but carry it by the bottom, and not the stem itself.
  • There are more than 200 types of Halloween type pumpkins, and they can range from 1 to 150 pounds!
Here is the link to NPR's article if you want more Pumpkin knowledge!


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