Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Are you dressing up for the day? Ballou told me she wanted to dress up as Santa Claus, but when it was time to put on the costume, she was none-to-happy with me...hmmm, maybe I misunderstood her...

When I was watching Sunday Morning Show, this segment about dressing animals came on and it made me laugh (click above link to watch). What is our human fascination with dressing up our little beasts? Are we that worried they will feel left out? Between John's distaste for Halloween, and Ballou's lack of interest in her costume, I am the only one who will have to take this holiday head on! But then again, it's so much more fun to dress up Ballou than it is myself...
  I decided not to torture Ballou all day with her costume, but I will save it for Christmas, just in case I find her in more festive of a mood!


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