Weekend Re-cap

 What a weekend! Perfect weather, family in town, and lots of great food. Even though we got to the boat with one minute to spare, the architectural tour was awesome. I promise, this is the last time I mention it, but it's my favorite Chicago tour, and if you get a chance to go on it, please do!

...boat tour bottom deck...

...Mom and I in the city...

We ended Sunday grilling out, and watching re-runs of An Idiot Abroad...have you ever seen this show before? If not, you have to watch it! We were all laughing so hard - I thought I was going to pee my pants! As you can guess from the name, it is about an "idiot" (from England) that goes abroad to different places. Each season goes to different places for specific reasons, and it is one of the most hilarious shows I have ever seen in my entire life... I don't want to spoil it, so that is all I will say, but go watch it if you can!


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