Zinc Time

Claire and I were taking a walk last night before her trek back to school...
 As always, I am going to miss her, but I'm glad we were able to get some quality time in before she left. While we were walking, she asked me what I knew about Zinc and I totally froze. It was at the tip of my tongue and I could vaguely say that it's needed for protecting some organs and helps us look and feel better... but how much of that last thought really helps identifying what Zinc really does?
Of course, I had to look it up in The Food Bible to see what it was I was mentally forgetting, and this is what I found...

  • Protects the Liver 
  • Great for keeping skin healthy
  • Protects from free radicals 
  • Needed for a healthy reproductive system
Phew, I feel much better now knowing what Zinc helps with off the top of my head again! Here is a list of foods that you can get your Zinc from... Oh and just hollar if you have another health related question for me ... You better believe I'll be brushing up on minerals, vitamins and nutrition knowledge...

Food With Zinc
  • Kelp
  • Nori Seaweed
  • Poppy Seed
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Tahini (mainly smashed sesame)
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Wheat Germ
  • Chicken
  • Brown rice


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