Soap Soap Soap

I love giving soap as a gift, and I also like receiving it. Although, when I take a moment to think about it, I do realize that it is a bit of a funny gift to, take this soap and clean yourself... hmm...

Never the less, I do still like soaps and the habitual behavior that comes with it...warming sink water, wetting your hands and the bar, crossing the bar back and forth in our hands, rubbings the layer of soap through your fingers and around in a sort of circular manner and rinsing hands off with the same movements used to put the soap on...

Real soap is made from natural products such as animal fats and oils (like vegetable oil, palm oil, safflower oil...). Further, they are very effective cleaning agents and they have a minimal impact on our environment. These soaps (pictured above) come from a great soap shop on etsy that you should check out. Buy a bunch and store them as quick gifts to have on hand for those last minute invitations or activities! 


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